Thanks for give me a try. I'm the theme for your project!

Build rich and beautiful experiences for your project. Increase your productivity and grow your business.

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Simple and Rich

Easy Cuztomizable

Fast and scalable

Excellent Support

With You From the Ground Up

Architected as an extension of Bootstrap, built to reach your goals.

Increase your productivity

Create stunning UI with tons of our components. Our build system allows you to save a lot of time as well.

Browse all components

Grow your business

With a user-friendly, simple and responsive design, you can easily attract your prospective clients. Don't worry! our team will always be behind you if needed.

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Get more benefits

Scaffold your theme and start developing quickly.


Provides a tons of useful Components and Pages that allow you to focus on your application logic rather than re-touching pixels.

Highly functionality

Looper is not 1001 in 1 shit theme, there's not an obscene amount of wasted space, and we are carefully in adding useful features without going overboard.

Boost your creativity

The design is clean, simple, modern, and essential, with Lots of refined graphics and tons of 3rd party support.

Simple workflow

We make sure you can make a magic by running just two command. It was very easy, extremely powerful, and modern.

One time payment

After you make a purchase you will get a free update forever. We will make Looper better and better again for you.

Well Documented

Each component is well explained with example, code block and best practices. We also provide extensive information about customizing Looper.

Simple pricing

Quality design and excellent support at an affordable price.

Standard License


If you are a freelancer, team, or you just create an app for your internal company, this offers is great for you.

  • Build a Single End Product
  • Use for Personal or a Client
  • Make unlimited copies
  • Modify the Theme
  • Combine with another works
  • Free update forever
  • 24/7 support
Extended License


Build your app, sell and charge your users. You don't need to pay us anymore.

  • Include all the Standar License
  • Use in an End Product that is "Sold"
  • Can have multiple paying users

You are in a good company

We are nothing without you! Thanks to all of you who have contributed in every update.

I am a Looper enthusiast in many ways. First, the design is modern and essential, yet very pleasant and rich of refined graphics. Plus, it has some serious gems like rich-text editor, timeline activity, autocompletes and many other components that literally boost your creativity and the features you can put in a website. On top of all that, the creator offers excellent support on a few hours response time!

Marco, through Bootstrap Themes

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